Saturday, March 2, 2013

As-salamu alaykum........

"Hello brothers and sisters in God, it's me lah, Joe Ratzinger, now proudly known as Yusof Radzi. So, pray, tell me what do you think. Cool or what. Ok, enough of the Holy Father nonsensical formalities. You can now call me Yusof or Sop for short. 

Hey! by the way, my autobiography's gonna be out anytime soon and make sure you grab a copy. Man! it's gonna knock the bejesus crap out of the conclave who've been trying to 'take me out' (yeh! you read right) ever since I threw in the towel on the Paulinist cult. I tell you, I've had enough of the hogwash going on in there in the Vat. Makes the "Zouk" look like a tupperware party. 

Believe me guys, the Paulinist doctrines are skewered. It has simply missed the plot. Veered light years off track from the core teachings of Jesus and I'm glad I was made to see the light , thanks to the grand mufti of Veronese who handed me the Final Revelation. An incredible book I tell ya! It simply rocks with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Wanna know about Vatileaks? It's all there in my auto. Warts and all. You can also check it out at this link.........
.......but mine's got more morsel on it. He! He!

It was reported that I forgave Paolo, my personal butler. Wanna know the truth? Those buggers who run the show actually paid him off for his silence on the contents of the documents not forgetting my torrid exchange of 'hotmails', with Myrtle my old flame from Deutchland.

Gotta run now. Talk to you soon and dont forget to grab a copy of my Auto.

Would be needing the bread since I'm jobless.

See ya!"

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