Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Papal Cult ............

John Paul II is enthusiastically revered by most Catholics for his evident personal holiness and iron will. He is highly-esteemed by non-Catholics the world over for his stand on moral principles and although many who praise him on this score are not bound by his strictures. But for progressive Catholics, and a vast marginalised faithful, he is perceived as a stumbling block and a contradiction.

Under John Paul II, Catholicism was almost a one-man show: the Vatican's publicity machine and large sections of the Catholic media ensure that his voice and words, his opinions and verdicts are broadcast daily and amplified throughout the world.....(to be contd)
(an excerpt from 'Breaking Faith'
by John Cornwell)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Church-State combination, a recipe for disaster .......

With reference to the article, 'Church has a social role' (the Star, 26th April 2012)
the good writer and his ilk must be made aware that the inevitable separation
of the church from the state was one of many changes that resulted from
the French Revolution that led to the end of the monarchy which began with
the storming of the Bastille on 14th July, 1789.

Under the new government, the Roman Catholic Church would have much less
power than they had before. In 1790, all special powers accorded to the Church
were cancelled and property taken over by the state.

In other words, the French told the Holy See in no uncertain terms, to go
'take a hike' for the very reasons mentioned in the letter 'Churches misusing
the pulpit' (the Star, April 25th).

Let be known that the Church in Malaysia and elsewhere enjoys tax-free status for the sole purpose of
worship and spiritually-related activities only. Any attempt at areas of politics nullifies
that status. If they have any grievances against the Government of the day, then
they should use the proper channels and not the pulpit to instigate the
unsuspecting congregation.

The frequent vetting of homilies (sermons) delivered by overzealous priests and
pastors is one area the Government could look into to prevent churches from
being turned into political arenas for the selfish ends of the church administration.

The presence of Government Officials at weekly church services to monitor
the content of homilies could serve as a deterrent to activities other than spiritual.

Alternately, the revoking of tax-free status as a last-resort measure could be imposed
for errant church administrators to toe the line.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Grow up Shahrukh ........... !!!!!!

Bollywood actror Shahrukh Khan was reported
to have been 'very, very, upset' at being detained
at a New York airport purportedly over his last
name which, apparently was a matter of concern
for the Immigration officials.

This is indeed surprising and unbecoming of a man who has
many a time proclaimed to be a devout Muslim,
a good family-man and a one who is dedicated
to his craft. No dispute there on the last two.

Instead of griping and groaning like a toddler
who has just lost his pacifier, the 'great Khan',
of all persons, should be aware that being
'persecuted', 'reviled', 'belittled', 'humiliated',
'slapped', 'kicked' and 'punched' are part and
parcel of being a sincere man of faith. If he's not
able to stomach it, then he's got no business
calling himself a Muslim.

Instead of feeling bitter about the unpleasant incident,
he should've instead, responded by giving
the immigration officials a great big hug, saying,
"May peace be upon you." That would have
given the said officials a glimpse of the
faith Khan practices.

Perhaps, after experiencing a string of
similar incidences, Khan should seriously
consider producing a film on the virtues of
being a good Muslim in the universal sense
instead of frolicking all over the silver screen
extolling the virtues of a single race.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

churchy hypocrisy ...............

El Paps, Pope Benedict a.k.a. Ratzinger
a.k.a. Little Red Walking Shoes
a.k.a. The Personal Fragrant Man
a.k.a. Popemobile Ben (Marvel's new, wannabe Comic-Book Hero), has been
reported to have appealed for peace in the world's
troubled hotspots in his recent Easter message.

Those who are reading this would be well-advised
to stay cool and not be too emotionally-swayed
by this latest plea as they (the Vatican) have been at it
for the past 1500 years.

Frankly, El Paps should seriously consider
doing something more concrete instead of just
lip-service. The last time, it was urging the
world to do something about the famine-stricken
in Somalia while sitting on his gold-ornamental
throne whose worth could easily exceed the gross GDP
of that aforementioned famished country.

Everything possible is being done for the victims
of the Syrian conflict, the Somalian famine
and elsewhere on the planet. The UN is on the
job and prayers are being offered by the faithful
the world over.

Ratz is just commenting on the conflict as a
mere smokescreen to camouflage the myriad
of pedophilic complaints against the Vatican.
Ratz should know that sidestepping the issue
will only add to the problem and many are sure
he wouldn't want to leave a shameful legacy
when his time is up.

A good example of 'doing something
concrete or meaningful' would be for him
to leave his 'little red walking shoes' at home
and run barefoot around the historical
Colosseum which is just a stone's
throw away from his 'pad' or perhaps
have someone place a crown of thorns
on his pampered head and have him
walk around the Piazza Navona,
one of Rome's most touristy-desirable
areas. Better still would be to have
him tied to the leaning Tower Of Pisa
and have him flogged in front of the
hundreds of tourists who throng the
area daily.

Perhaps, this would serve as a strong
enough statement to create awareness
to the plight of the Somalians and the
Syrians instead of using auspicious
occasions like Easter and Christmas
to provide mere lip service to the masses.

Heck!, Besides, it would be an
exercise in humility to the hilt.
If he truly has the Christian spirit
in him, he would take it as the
good Lord did 2000 yrs ago.
If he's not able to withstand it,
then expect him to call for assistance
on his iphone.

Perhaps a cocooned existence
(definitely not hermit-like) behind the
'not-so' hallowed walls of the Vatican
have rendered old Ratz completely
detached from the reality of this world
not unlike some of those pedophillic
zombies who walk in cassocked hypocrisy
within the walls of the church compound.

It would be a disaster of epic proportions
if adherents fail to see through the deception
and turn a blind eye to the shenanigans
of the Vatican and the Church.

who actually needs saving .............

Former Selangor executive councilor,
Datuk Dr Hassan Ali was reported to have
shared with the press, two video clips
purportedly showing several Muslims
being proselytized by Christians.

In the 42-minute clip, a man with the
pseudonym Ramli Abdullah, claimed
to be an apostate . Ramli and his
wife further claimed they embraced
Christianity after being approached
by an Australian couple who said,
"It was easy to be 'saved' because
Christians won't end up in 'hell' and all
he had to do was to accept Jesus.

If Ramli was well-versed with the Holy
Koran, he would have happily replied,
"Hey! You know what? Jesus is also
in our revered book and looks like
you can't claim monopoly on who will
or won't be saved. Come, read our
book and it will enlighten you on
how to spread the word without
having to impose your beliefs
on people of other faiths. Thank
you anyway. Peace"

On a serious note, what the
Aussie couple said was precisely
what the 'pilgrim fathers' said to the
native Red Indians of North America
before they raped, butchered, plundered
and robbed their land. The same that was
repeated on the native Aborigines of
Australia and the Maoris of New Zealand,
all in the name of a grotesquely-distorted
book, "The Holy Bible", with all due
respects to the passages within that
has remained true despite being multi-layered
with fallacies by the Roman Church.

If our founding fathers were easily swayed
by overzealous Christian Missionaries,
we would still be singing 'God Save The Queen'
and saluting the Union Jack.

The only people that need serious redemption in this
sorry episode are the aforementioned
Aussie couple themselves.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Fact and fallacy.

Fact .......

.....and fallacy.

Pauline Christianity and the church ......... a clear and present danger.

MCCBCHST please take note. The seminar is, "The threat of Christianisation" and not Buddhism, Sikhism or Taoism. The fallacious aspects of Christianity especially Pauline, has always been perceived as a threat not only to Islam but also to other non-Christian faiths. Think for 1 minute, "Would there be a white America, if native Red Indians were Muslims? or white Australia if native aborigines were Muslims or white NZ if Maoris were Muslims? I dont think so. They would have fought the white man tooth and nail to preserve their sovereignty just like how the Muslim Malays and others fought for Independence of Malaysia. No offense to true Christians, but the Christianity practiced today is far-removed from the one that was originally practiced during the 1st 500 yrs of Christianity where the laws of Moses were observed to the letter. The problem began when Christianity shifted to Rome. It got saturated, corrupted and bastardised in order to placate the hedonistic Romans which is what we see today practiced in our churches. The perceived threat DOES NOT come from true-blue Christians but from the CHURCH.

 click here........

Hypocrisy with a capital 'H'

El Papa Benedict tells the world to think of the poor especially the famine-stricken in Africa but goes off on a spending frolic of his own. Whatever happened to piety, the primary requisite for anyone wanting to serve the Creator. Will someone please give him a hard kick in his unholy butt.....??

click here ........
pope benedict orders his own personal perfume

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter.....fact or fiction !

click here
let the truth be known.........