Tuesday, April 10, 2012

churchy hypocrisy ...............

El Paps, Pope Benedict a.k.a. Ratzinger
a.k.a. Little Red Walking Shoes
a.k.a. The Personal Fragrant Man
a.k.a. Popemobile Ben (Marvel's new, wannabe Comic-Book Hero), has been
reported to have appealed for peace in the world's
troubled hotspots in his recent Easter message.

Those who are reading this would be well-advised
to stay cool and not be too emotionally-swayed
by this latest plea as they (the Vatican) have been at it
for the past 1500 years.

Frankly, El Paps should seriously consider
doing something more concrete instead of just
lip-service. The last time, it was urging the
world to do something about the famine-stricken
in Somalia while sitting on his gold-ornamental
throne whose worth could easily exceed the gross GDP
of that aforementioned famished country.

Everything possible is being done for the victims
of the Syrian conflict, the Somalian famine
and elsewhere on the planet. The UN is on the
job and prayers are being offered by the faithful
the world over.

Ratz is just commenting on the conflict as a
mere smokescreen to camouflage the myriad
of pedophilic complaints against the Vatican.
Ratz should know that sidestepping the issue
will only add to the problem and many are sure
he wouldn't want to leave a shameful legacy
when his time is up.

A good example of 'doing something
concrete or meaningful' would be for him
to leave his 'little red walking shoes' at home
and run barefoot around the historical
Colosseum which is just a stone's
throw away from his 'pad' or perhaps
have someone place a crown of thorns
on his pampered head and have him
walk around the Piazza Navona,
one of Rome's most touristy-desirable
areas. Better still would be to have
him tied to the leaning Tower Of Pisa
and have him flogged in front of the
hundreds of tourists who throng the
area daily.

Perhaps, this would serve as a strong
enough statement to create awareness
to the plight of the Somalians and the
Syrians instead of using auspicious
occasions like Easter and Christmas
to provide mere lip service to the masses.

Heck!, Besides, it would be an
exercise in humility to the hilt.
If he truly has the Christian spirit
in him, he would take it as the
good Lord did 2000 yrs ago.
If he's not able to withstand it,
then expect him to call for assistance
on his iphone.

Perhaps a cocooned existence
(definitely not hermit-like) behind the
'not-so' hallowed walls of the Vatican
have rendered old Ratz completely
detached from the reality of this world
not unlike some of those pedophillic
zombies who walk in cassocked hypocrisy
within the walls of the church compound.

It would be a disaster of epic proportions
if adherents fail to see through the deception
and turn a blind eye to the shenanigans
of the Vatican and the Church.