Former Selangor executive councilor,
Datuk Dr Hassan Ali was reported to have
shared with the press, two video clips
purportedly showing several Muslims
being proselytized by Christians.
In the 42-minute clip, a man with the
pseudonym Ramli Abdullah, claimed
to be an apostate . Ramli and his
wife further claimed they embraced
Christianity after being approached
by an Australian couple who said,
"It was easy to be 'saved' because
Christians won't end up in 'hell' and all
he had to do was to accept Jesus.
If Ramli was well-versed with the Holy
Koran, he would have happily replied,
"Hey! You know what? Jesus is also
in our revered book and looks like
you can't claim monopoly on who will
or won't be saved. Come, read our
book and it will enlighten you on
how to spread the word without
having to impose your beliefs
on people of other faiths. Thank
you anyway. Peace"
On a serious note, what the
Aussie couple said was precisely
what the 'pilgrim fathers' said to the
native Red Indians of North America
before they raped, butchered, plundered
and robbed their land. The same that was
repeated on the native Aborigines of
Australia and the Maoris of New Zealand,
all in the name of a grotesquely-distorted
book, "The Holy Bible", with all due
respects to the passages within that
has remained true despite being multi-layered
with fallacies by the Roman Church.
If our founding fathers were easily swayed
by overzealous Christian Missionaries,
we would still be singing 'God Save The Queen'
and saluting the Union Jack.
The only people that need serious redemption in this
sorry episode are the aforementioned
Aussie couple themselves.