Friday, January 4, 2013

argument not in the spirit of the faith's supposed founder...

Apparently the 'Allah' issue has surfaced
again and the 'timing' couldn't have been more

It's not known whether the Penang CM
who made the remark is aware but it's
definitely not in the character of the supposed
founder of their faith for them to be adamant
of the word's usage.

At a time when they are
supposed to be giving, sharing, tolerant and the
whole gamut of noble virtues that comes with
the season, they have chosen to embark
on an issue that simply contradicts the
profound teachings of their supposed founder
of their faith.

But then again, who can blame the Paulinists
who have chosen to follow a path that has
totally deviated from their supposed founder's
original teachings?

Their well-worn argument that the term 'Allah'
has been in use since pre-Islamic times does
not hold water in our country where the situation
warrants a tad more sensitive approach.

On this score, the Malaysian Christian fraternity
and their political cohorts should decide whether
they opt to lay the issue to rest or chose to pursue
the matter to their own detriment.