Sunday, January 27, 2013

Paulinism: A false sense of security ..........

 Pictures depict typical Paulinist churchy-activities, evidently-devoid of intellectual involvement, engagement or content to equip adherents for the real world which explains why nearly 30% (although only 2% of the Indian population are Paulinists) of those incarcerated in the Indian prison system and elsewhere (especially in 3rd world countries) are of the Paulinist faith. A walking testimony of the Paulinist church as a virtual hotbed for social retardation save for an exceptional few who manage to see through the 'body & blood' shenanigan.

 Based on a rabid system whereby the more you recruit (get 'poor souls' to convert) the closer your place in the hierarchy and fewer steps away from the pearly gates. Cool or what!

Not unlike the zillions of MLM (multi-level marketing) programs that float in the marketing realm, the similarities are uncanny.

Remove the 'Jesus-equation' from this Trinitarian-cult, foundered by a mass-murderer Jew named Shaul @ Saul @ Paul (name-changes that reflect the criminal he actually was) and this whole mirage-like edifice would crumble in their own mass tangled heap of hypocritical contradictions.

They definitely need another light (but surely not the kind that blinded their founder for 3 days) to get them out of darkness.

.......would Jesus really seek solace in this monstrosity ?

(Paulinism, definition......a false sense of security)
