Monday, January 28, 2013

God, by any other name, would ring as sweet......

 (in response to a Churchlite who feels his people have the divine right to the controversial word)

....if Jesus came down today, he would very tightly slap the ones responsible for creating this ruckus that tarnish his image. He would have rightly said, "O Ye! of trivial mindsets, turn the other cheek".
Furthermore today's Trinitarian Christians are basically Paulinists who subscribe to a skewered doctrine far removed from what Jesus had subscribed to and that is Unitarian beliefs that followed God's laws (sent to Moses) to the letter. Are Paulinists doing the same? NO!!! They follow the Paulinist doctrine of saturated laws. Laws that were bastardized to placate the unholy Roman Empire. It is these people, that the Muslims are against and not the original believers who were Unitarians. Anyway, Jesus never ever used the word 'Allah' during his ministry. He spoke in Aramaic and not Arabic and referred to his Creator as 'Eli' while supposedly 'dying on the cross'.  ("Eli Eli, lama sabakthani" (Matthew 27:46). Fulfillment of Psalm 22.)
