Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jewish Maryam or European Mary ?

 99% of  of pictures and images of the Virgin Mary,
Yeshua (Jesus) and other Christian saints/Biblical figures
are basically derived from renaissance-inspired
paintings and drawings as paper did not exist
2000 years ago and hence none could have
known how or what they looked like.
Based on data derived from bone fragments,
Israelis/Jews were a far cry from those
 culturally-interpreted European images
which people are commonly accustomed
to seeing.

So, pray tell, how could that same
European-inspired, iconic image
of the Virgin Mary be  transposed
upon a glass-pane in a local hospital?

But then again, it does make sense
since she could not appear to those
who are accustomed to her European-inspired
image, to appear as a Jewish woman.

It also makes sense that she appeared outside 
church grounds since as she would love
to be accepted as a universal figure rather
than the monopoly of that questionable
institution known as the Catholic Church.

It would make even more sense if she was
seen as weeping since the hospital plans
to send her (the glass-panes) to THAT 
institution (the Catholic church).

Personally I'd bet my last RM2
that the apparition will vanish for good
once the church 'takes jurisdiction of her'
(the glass panes) because the church is
last place she would want to be
to radiate her presence.

Speaking of apparitions, one wonders whatever
happened to the one that created a ruckus
at the Lady Of Good Health, not too
long ago, which the 'gook-in-residence',
Wiley Willie hastily removed with
no explanation at all. Fishy! fishy!.

click this link if you want to read more of the above...
Wiley Willie's Lectern Caper

Coming back to the original story,
the authorities would be urged
to closely monitor the situation to see
if there is any monetary exploitation
by the said church or churches in question.

Finally, for God-sakes, Maryam
as the unholy church would have us believe.
She is the Mother of Yeshua/Isa/Jesus
sent by God to bring the good news
to the Gentiles and reaffirm the laws
handed to Moses which Yeshua himself
followed to the letter.
