Sunday, November 18, 2012

...keeping tabs on the unholy church....

 It takes years of distorted and deceptive mind-conditioning by the unholy church for unsuspecting adherents to reach this frenzied level. However they must be perceived as mere victims and NOT the perpetrators.

Those opportunistic, self-serving culprits have now taken possession of the said glass-panes to see how much more monetary-mileage they can garner from this, (if they haven't already) in the guise of verifying it's authenticity.

Besides her son Yeshua (Jesus), Maryam (Mary) too needs to be saved from the unholy, Paulinist church whose fervent wish and main objective since time immemorial has always been to have a miraculous manifestation happen on their church grounds to serve as the perfect milking-cow to sustain those fat-cat jobless 'gooks' (priests, pastors, bishops, cardinals and the mother of all deceivers, the Unholy Father) who continue, with impunity, to take unsuspecting adherents for a right royal ride around the proverbial block.

Anyone with a keen interest in this supposed phenomenon should seriously monitor the situation with a microscope to see what becomes of the glass-panes in question, lest it becomes a repeat of the 'Shroud Of Turin' episode.

Will the church in question decide to display it in the hope of drawing worldwide attention to itself, not forgetting the much-anticipated funds or will they write it off with a blunt 'NO' as what they did at another
church when it's adherents reported a similar incident.

click here......
reports of 'Jesus' sightings

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