Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Uncle Ben needs you in the Vatican army!"

"Come to me, my sons, come to el Papa!"
 Ben elevates 6 new cardinals.....
click here to read .........

Sure, why not! Especially when the Vatican's European base appears to be waning (which obviously, he's not telling). Ben, now attempts to reach out to others whom for ages were considered 'children of a lesser God'  by the papal elite.

Wow! an Indian pope or perhaps a Nigerian one (if the traditional Europeans aren't interested) or even a cowboy pope (US) to bolster the papal coffers. Unprecedented or desperate.

Yes! anything to keep the charade going and pray tell, why the emphasis on 'Universal Church' as if we need reminding.

Perhaps the Europeans are beginning to see the light, as evident by their bare churches which now thrive on tourism dollars to keep the ample bellies of their jobless 'gooks' (priests), filled to the brim ......and overflowing.