Thursday, November 22, 2012

Virgin Mary transferred while the church readies it's coffers .........

'Mary transferred' to a more 'secure' place (as if she needs taking care of) by people who need to be taken care off, themselves ............ to see the story here.

The reason why the Virgin Mary appeared outside a church is to convey the message that one needn't have to be an 'ordained churclite' to believe in her as she prefers to be seen as a universal symbol (just as Yeshua, her son) and not the sole propriety of the church.

Just as how the good name of Yeshua was usurped by that questionable organization called the church, 1500 years ago, to lend credibility to their skewered Paulinist doctrines, the church once again has usurped the image of the VM from neutral grounds to be placed inside their house of worship to draw attention to themselves, not forgetting the funds, this phenomenon could draw.

Adherents should be urged to flock to this church and get a good glimpse of this image but make all donations to a poor home of their choice and not to that church in question.

It's the only way to see what questionable motives the church has in displaying the image without any explanation as to what were the elements involved that caused the apparition. If it was paint material, then it can be written off. If it was embedded in glass by means not available on this planet, then it's worth a second look.

Adherents would be advised to snap as much pictures as possible as it is feared that it's the only image they will be clinging on to once the image fades as the church environment is not conducive for miraculous phenomena to survive which explains why most miracles happen outside it's vicinity.

Finally, contrary to popular belief that this masterpiece of a song, first written in 1969 (see vid below) was in dedication to the BVM by Beatle Paul, it was in fact (as the Beatle himself pointed out in a later interview) dedicated to his late mother, also named Mary who died of embolism when he (Paul) was 14.

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