Wednesday, November 21, 2012

ZORRO Truly Unmasked .......

The latest in a sea of blogging profanity. An opportunistic tirade of insults directed mainly against Malays as a race and Islam. Hiding behind that thin veil of opposition to the Barisan government, UMNO and religious fundamentalism in Malaysia is one Zorro supposedly Unmasked.

Bernard Khoo by all reliable accounts was a fully ordained Catholic De La Salle Brother. A thug and a bully protected by his cassock worn as a Catholic Brother at the La Salle School Kelang where he taught in the mid to late 1960’s.
A karate black belt, he assaulted, threatened, vilified, mentally and physically abused a number of students of that school. His victims mainly Indians and Malays. All of this he dished out during his tenure as a Catholic Brother at that school.
Bernard is also vividly remembered by his victims as enforcer to another Chinese chauvinist of that period, another hoodlum parading as a missionary at that school. The irascible Reverend Brother John Neo, a cantankerous individual was the then principal of La Salle School Kelang.
Collectively they are remembered for their reign of terror and the resultant psychological damage inflicted on the vulnerable and the weak in their charge during that period and possibly beyond. To many of their victims the scars will always remain as an everlasting reminder of Bernard Khoo, John Neo and their variety of justice, truth and fairness.

Bernard Khoo aka Zorro Unmasked had a pre occupation with intimidation. He, according to the testimony of some of his victims who won’t forget the man, appeared to derive a perverse sense of satisfaction and pleasure out of intimidation and bullying of those he considered weaker and by implication lesser beings than himself. Children of a lesser god.
Bernard Khoo also willingly undertook that same sadistic ’duty’ on behalf of his fellow bully and minority tormentor Brother John Neo, referred to irreverently then by his students as Mao Tze Tung for John Neo’s proclaimed and unabashed affection and admiration for that late Chinese dictatorial tyrant.
John Neo was also an ardent admirer of Lee Kuan Yew and the latters attitude towards Malays. He never gave up an opportunity to espouse the views of Lee on the Malays and to denegrate Malay students of that time, much to their embarassment and humiliation, in the presence of their overwhelming non Malay fellow students.
The Malays (the few who enjoyed the privilege of entry to a Catholic school) were systematically insulted as was the norm in those days. Such behaviour was not only practiced by just John Neo and Bernard Khoo. It was also the staple of some students at the school, encouraged by the conduct of their peers the Brothers of Bernard Khoo’s ilk.
Admittedly and thankfully so, as relayed to us by former students of that school, not all Catholic Brothers fell into that category of pathological racists as John Neo and Bernard Khoo were. But it was nonetheless not uncommon for the Brotherhood and the Priesthood in Catholicism to attract a disproportionately large number of these types from the local communities as recruits to their vocational ranks.
The Malays then were systemically treated as an outcast minority in these schools (with about 2 allowed in each class) even though their numbers in the population betrayed the distorted representation in enrollment of Malays in Catholic and other Christian schools in the 1960′s and 1970′s.
This too in a country, their own, that exclusion being inflicted on them a majority by a foreign Church preaching fairness and equality, Christ like charity and love. The same church that is now feigning outrage at the Al Islam publication of an essay on holy communion.
The Indians, many of whom were Tamils at the time, were a particularly soft target for physical and mental abuse. They then being on the lowest rung of the socio economic ladder, were persistently harassed, demeaned and bullied by Bernard Khoo and his fellow religious thugs.
There are at least 3 reported suicides amongst Indian workers and students at that school during that era of Bernard Khoo, John Neo and Alban Senan although other sources attest to a larger number perhaps twice that figure given.
They the Tamils did not dare resist Bernard and his cohorts bullying and assaults for fear of retribution in punitive physical form.
From this champion of freedom and justice they were perhaps instilled with the power of fear, intimidation and violence as a motivator. A lesson which some undoubtedly have gone on to take up after leaving school contributing to the disproportionate numbers from their ranks in violent crime in Malaysia .
If anyone did dare stand up or resist his bullying and that of yet another thug of that era, one Brother Alban Senan (an unmitigated, pathological sadist and racist) they paid a price in unspeakable humiliation and fear that has indisputably shaped their lives in a manner the community now lives to regret.
All of this the result of very Christian charitable conduct condoned and carried out under the watchful eye of the Roman Catholic Church and the principal of the school Brother John Neo.
Now we bear witness to one of that gang running a website, regurgitating the profanities of his discredited mantra of anti Islamic slogans of the Bush era expecting the same unquestioning responses out of fear through intimidation perhaps from his readers as he demanded of his young students then.

Today Bernard Khoo parades in his new persona as champion of the causes of missing children, clean government and democratic values. A noble pursuit indeed if Bernard Khoo did have the personal or moral integrity to throw stones at a government struggling to come to grips with its inherited burden of the British Empire the avaricious ingrates of mainly Chinese (and sprinkling of Indians) left behind at independence.
Bernard Khoo’s amorphous ideas of corruption and his championing the cause of children on his website are at best hypocritical, obscene and as unconvincing an attempt at showing a human face as Adolph Hitler’s much touted fondness for animals and his vegetarian lifestyle were attempts to dignify the latters deeds against humanity.
It is also an unwelcome and cruel reminder to those who suffered at his hands under that reign of tyranny. It has been said by many of his former victims that he ought to be outed and not trusted with the welfare or the causes of anyone let alone helpless children.
With his history of traumatising and assaulting minors ( which most students were at that relevant time) under his care, he has little credibility if any to take a stand on issues he claims disturb him enough to want to leave a legacy of change for a better world for his grandchildren.
Zorrro aka Brother Arnold aka Bernard Khoo’s public posturing on issues is an insult to children and to right thinking people who seek refuge from intimidation, bullying, violence and tyranny of every sort.
To allow Bernard Khoo aka Zorro Unmasked to continue with this public charade of his new persona when, his victims unwittingly have turned out to be the catalyst and reason perhaps for all that he demands changed in society today, is to abet the offences of this man’s past.
Bernard Khoo’s idea of welfare and good governance are not compatible with those universally accepted definitions of those same concepts. Bernard Khoo has not yet seen it fit to publicly apologise to his victims for his grievous and criminal misconduct as a religious Brother.
He abused that office of his as a religious Brother and teacher under the protection of a powerful Catholic church like his mentor Brother John Neo and the other thug and bully at the time Brother Alban Senan.

Brother Arnold aka Zorro Unmasked now wants the world to believe he is some paragon of virtue by calling himself Zorro though still demonstrating that totalitarian self righteous mindset by excising from his blog any contribution that is even remotely at variance to his own chauvinistic views.
He spews his contumely like his other blogger vandals on Malays with the type of unsubstantiated and unwarranted claims against them he and his cohorts in the media churn out on a daily basis.
The man needs to be unmasked. He has his coterie of sycophants and apologists and that’s fine. They include former students who believe that he is forever entitled to the unquestioning respect he once fraudulently claimed (or demanded) as a religious Brother and teacher. And there are those who will seek to at any cost protect the man’s lack of integrity simply because he held sway over them once and claimed to be a man of God (ever heard of the battered wife syndrome or the Stockholm syndrome?). Such are the failings of victims and the impact of bullying on them.

But then again there are those, particularly his victims, who are just as capable as Bernard Khoo is of speaking out to stoke those sentiments sufficient to rail the public against real hatred, racism and the prejudices of the type people like Bernard Koo are capable of.
There is a sense of duty in many and it is encouraging to see that his victims no longer feel the need to suffer as victims and speak out now decades after the man’s rampage on the weak.
His victims will emerge in larger numbers and expose the root of all that is dysfunctional in Malaysian society today. That indoctrination into violence and intimidation imbued in them and sanctified by religion even though it has for so long been so conveniently swept under the carpet and given illegitimate credence by that veneer of religious cover.
Driven by a greater zeal and motivation for justice, these victims who have voices and who have discovered the power of their voices, come out to speak with greater conviction than when they don’t speak out and suffer in silence.

This tit for tat is not over by a long shot yet. Malaysians like any other group have to question the motives of those who stir up trouble for the slightest cause in a volatile environment as Malaysia is today.
A good starting point for the likes of Bernard Khoo to consider when vilifying others is that old saying “let him that is without sin cast the first stone”. It comes from a religious doctrine Bernard Khoo once subscribed to.
The argument that is raging against the Barisan may be legitimate. But no one is asking the question, who is the Barisan? Is it just UMNO or is it UMNO and others such as the MCA and MIC? Is it perhaps also the unaccountable former deputy finance minister whose husband as owner of a large public bank benefitted from inside information as a result of her use of confidential cabinet sensitive information? .
The husband and wife in that particular example are both Chinese.
Is it Samy Velu and corruption of the MAIKA affair during his stewardship of MIC? or is it the also the elements of MIC whose physical abuse of an actor turned porn star, or the misappropriation of hundreds of millions of dollars of money allocated and destined for poorer Indians.
Samy Velu and the MIC are not Malay either.
Yet no one asks. Who pays the piper playing that ugly tune of anti Malay anti Muslim sentiments using a small band of disgruntled Malays as their shield.
No one yet has had the intelligence to query the motives and the character of those making these bilious and vitriolic statements against individuals and groups of people like the Malays without a proper mandate from anyone but themselves, yet claiming to act for the ‘righteous democratic majority’. Yep sure!!

Gopal Raj Kumar


  1. qwerty September 7, 2009 at 8:23 am #
    Wow. you sound so anti-chinese, whether or not that is your intention. I actually find your entry abit disturbing. You seem to take the shortcomings of one person and generalize it to the entire community? You seem to take Singapore’s political actions and again, generalize it to the rest. And then, one more thing, I am a Catholic and I don’t subscribe to their doctrine on who should or should not go to heaven. In fact I am strongly against that belief and I get slightly annoyed if certain folks try to evangelise that idea to me.
    Hm.. chill lah.. get a chinese friend and maybe you will find not all of them are evil.
    • grkumar September 7, 2009 at 9:12 am #
      An interesting response. What do you find anti Chinese about the post? We assume you are referring to the one about Zorro (Unmasked). We have deleted most of the posts to date on this subject because of the emotions it has raised amongst former students and polarised the debate. A raw nerve indeed.
      We have taken complaints from his former students some saying we were too lenient others who provided extreme examples of his and his cohorts conduct against students whilst others still think we have been unfair to target him (Bernard Khoo). Unless we are able to verify these we will not publish and reserve these postings for a later date.
      Whats interesting about this particular post is that it has now also raised the hidden taboo issue of padeophilia by priests and brothers during that era. Not in Kelang but elsewhere. We will continue to investigate and keep you posted.
  2. TChan September 7, 2009 at 5:51 pm #
    There are definitely many people like ‘Zorro’ out there, and ‘qwerty’ is one of them. These people go around parading their muhibbah spirit but fact is that they are the racist ones. These specimens are more dangerous than Amno, they breed like bacteria and viruses pretending to be your friend, and then…BAM!
    @ GRK
    Pls keep us informed on this matter. I knew that old man has skeletons in his closet.
  3. Bill Bartmann September 18, 2009 at 6:02 am #
    This blog rocks! I gotta say, that I read a lot of blogs on a daily basis and for the most part, people lack substance but, I just wanted to make a quick comment to say I’m glad I found your blog. Thanks,
    A definite great read…:)
  4. Malaysian Malay September 24, 2009 at 7:33 am #
    I would humbly suggest that the author of this ‘whatever you may want to call it’ apply some degree of innovation. The rather verbose article has all the trimmings of an UMNO spin which must include – a) Chinese personalities with gangster tendencies b) Communist (read Mao Zedong) symphaties c) Abuse of religion d) Association with Lee Kwan Yew e) Abusing Malays (the inclusion of the pseudo-Indians was meant to provide a balance) f) The dillema of majorities and minorities. Now, have we not read enough of such rubbish applying these themes? What remains a mystrey though would be the exclusion of the Zionist movement, CIA, George Soros and anti-monarchial tendencies. This is a typical Spin101 so I need not reiterate the value of such callous endeavour.
    A Malaysian Malay
    • grkumar September 24, 2009 at 11:37 am #
      A good starting point would be to use a name you could lend credibility to. Jools instead of whayever it is that makes you ashamed of yourself and resort to Jools 1958 and refer to me as an UMNO spinner. Your somewhat bizzare reference to the CIA Soros and the Zionists in this context is further reinforcement of the quality of your analysis of the Chan criticism. But we are all entitled to our flaws. You to yours I to mine.
      As to the issues you have raised on the Chan critique, let me categorically and unequivocally put to rest your feeble claim that the man put proof to his assertions. His reference to cases and to quotes are embellishments and adornments which a good substantive argument does not need.
      Verbose, well my friend perhaps you ought to find the definition of verbose and apply it where it belongs in the pejorative you apply to me. Chan failed to identify the core principle on the question of the Sultan’s discretion. The arguments he raises does not get up for his failure in this regard to identify the core issues of the argument on the crisis. To quote archaic and irrlevant English Law Lords in his inimicable ‘kow towing’ style is embarassing. He has led nothing of substance that could do him or his argument any justice.
      A judge who fails the primary test of impartiality by entering into a debate of a political nature and does so with little substance other than unimpressive irrelevant quotes deserves to have strips torn of his back. It is not what I did. I wish I could though. Another time another place.
      Chan’s arguments have been published in many forms. None of them worthy of redemption. Fire your best shot. Identify the substantive argument in mine that you find wanting in.
      Gopal Raj Kumar
  5. beruk PR September 24, 2009 at 3:36 pm #
    A Malaysian Malay..
    Is somehow having the addiction of posting the same thing at all websites and blogs he visitied…
    is he really is a Malaysian Malay??
  6. donplaypuks September 25, 2009 at 5:02 pm #
    A lot of general statements without 1 actual incident quoted to substantiate your scurillous allegations against Bernard Khoo. This sounds like the Utusan, NST et al MSM who frequently BS about “unnanmed anonymous sources’ when they actually have no real evidence.
    Like so many today, you use racism to denigrate a person thinking that people will fall for it. Tell us in plain english where and how Bernard Khoo aka Zorro unmasked ultra vires the Indians, Malays and Islam. I bet that you can’t, because it never happened. You are just seeking cheap publicity!
    I would not be too surprised if you were some UMNO blogger in disguise trying to bring down a popular blogger held in high esteem by many. And make no mistake, you will fail miserably!!
    We are all of 1 race, the Human Race
    • grkumar September 25, 2009 at 8:02 pm #
      No need to. Whats important is that if any of the statements are false, Bernard Khoo can speak for himself and serve process against us for carrying anything he believes is defamatory of him. Ultra Vires against Indians and Malays?? whats that?? Why this pre occupation against UMNO? I must be good at my blog. I take pains to research my stuff and to make it better than a Mao wall poster. Are you saying UMNO is good? Well maybe I ought to join if they will let an Indian in.
  7. Patrick C September 26, 2009 at 1:42 pm #
    A load of poisonous spit and character assasination at it’s most extreme! I am surprised you did not include his genes for his supposedly monstrous evil.
    • grkumar September 26, 2009 at 7:50 pm #
      it is character assassination where there is no fact and the allegations malicious and without foundation. I have invited the man to rebut the allegations of his former students and I am still waiting.
  8. Deacon 1957 September 28, 2009 at 6:26 am #
    he he, as a child he did not receive enough fatherly attention and grew up with a lot of penis envy so one way is to get back at young boys
    now whether he groped them or not I am not sure but I have heard from elsewhere that he was a bully in school, students hated his ‘over-compensating’ ways
    • grkumar September 28, 2009 at 9:07 am #
      I don’t know about the fatherly attention bit. I do not have any information about any sexual abuse by this man nor have there been any references to his conduct in this regard. The evidence of his bullying and evidence of his collaboration with two known racist bullies, John Neo and Alban Senan has been corroborated independently by a large number of former students of his.
      All one really needs to be able to establish truth of the accusations directed against Bernard Khoo is one of these to be substantiated. Just one. We still welcome his rebuttals as he is entitled to.
  9. kassim September 28, 2009 at 9:31 am #
    kumar you are my man!
    can you dig up on haris ibrahim too?
    • grkumar September 28, 2009 at 9:58 pm #
      We do not dig up ‘dirt’ about anyone unless we have been provided with relevant and compelling evidence and to publish that evidence is relevant to something topical and in the public interest.
  10. ICE October 22, 2009 at 3:13 pm #
    GR Kumar,
    Do you have relevant and compelling evidence against Zorro Unmasked aka Bernard Khoo?
  11. Little bit October 23, 2009 at 2:47 pm #
    Yes Gopal you are very accurate about Bernard’s past, I ams sure there are many with a past, including Najib Tun Razak and even his father. I will be the first one to authenticate the truth about what you say about both Bernard and John Neo and I am a Catholic and a La Sallian from La Salle Klang, and even a victim of these people who preferred to look at those with money in a better light then us. I however can’t agree with you on the treatment of Malays Boys. Kamarulzaman Mohd Diah was my classmate, he was always first in the class, the last I knew he was working in Borneo Trading in Port Klang, what happened to him I can’t remember. I was retained in form three for a year and had another classmate Tawil Hj Sili if I spelt his name right and he became head prefect if I am not mistaken I let the school at that time, and this was during the days of John Neo and Bernard Khoo. For that matter even Najib Tun Razak was pupil of the Christian Brothers School. There were racialists in their ranks, given and I’ll not deny it, but there were those dedicated to the cause of education from whom sprang many successful and admirable Indians and Malays in society. Admission was open to all, but only a few Malays cme to the Christian Brothers School because they were Christian schools. Since you are from la Salle Klang, let me remind you that Sethu Raman a leading legal consultant was a product of the School, there are many more and many of them Indians. I had hard times in the school but today it has made me a better man those bad times.
  12. grkumar October 23, 2009 at 8:00 pm #
    I am not a product of that school. Never was. The article is the subject of interviews with people (the majority non Malays) who attended that school. The article was inspired by a reader of Zorro Unmasked.
    Tawil was a head prefect. A man of Indonesian origins. The information we have is that he was deliberately selected and given the task of making public announcements as well so that he could be ridiculed which he was for his English.
    It was apparently John Neos way of allowing the others to very subtely reinforce the idea that Malays were not very bright or were undeserving of the NEP (or its equivalent then).
    Anyway the position of head prefect was never one to hi lite leadership characteristics of the individual. It was never based on merit and their choices were never the best we are told.
    As to the other aspects of your comments there are racists everywhere, but that does not mean they ought to go unchecked especially where they make allegations of others’ shortcommings in this respect.
    Thank you for your comments
  13. grkumar October 24, 2009 at 12:08 am #
    “A torn jacket is soon mended; but hard words bruise the heart of a child”.
    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.
  14. chris October 28, 2009 at 4:51 am #
    As expected , you didn’t publish my article.Thanks.By now you would have read about the incidence in Perak where one is confirmed dead and 2 more stilling missing and the chance is, they dead too. Ask your self, why the accident happened? Bcoz, the pupils are not disciplined.Do you think any pupils would have jumped and shake the suspension bridge , if somebody like ZORRo around.It doesnt matter the dead are indians, life is life, gone, won’t come back.IF YOU ARE THE PARENTS OF THE DEAD GIRLS, WON’T YOU WISH SOMEBODY LIKE ZORRO WAS THERE TO KEEP AN EVIL ( as you put it) OVER YOUR CHILD.BE EMPATHY NOT SYMPATHY.There is a hell of different between the two.Take your time and think and think.
    I don’t care if you read or publish this but your action shows yourself.
  15. chris October 30, 2009 at 2:50 pm #
    So now, about publishing my earlier two articles, so the readers can judge you???
    My question to u on the 3rd article which u choose to publish is standing.
  16. tim December 21, 2009 at 5:27 am #
    …for a long time I thought of unmasking him myself but decided he was not worth the sand he stands on. Your article, though poignant it may seem, has only skimmed the surface on this character. This guy’s got skeletons that can make any cemetery look like a public park. It looks like Hitler survived, re-invented himself and came back as an activist. Recently, he was called in by the boys in blue. I hope they find enough to put him away….and throw away the key. Not the ISA though. That would only make him more of a hero. If this guy stood for elections, he wouldn’t even get enough votes for a City Hall’s Dog-Catcher’s post.
    Thanks mate for the expose. Tha’s a load off my shoulders.
    • grkumar December 22, 2009 at 10:49 pm #
      We have had a number of emails from former La Sallians about a number of these bullies (for want of a better word). The Catholic brotherhood and the priesthood appear for some reason (at least with the benefit of information we have) to have attracted a bunch of social misfits and sadists who preyed on young boys and women throughout not only Malaysia but also in other countries.
      There is also in fairness to the church a history of excellent and selfless work by missionaries. Most of these whether we like it or not were from the European, English and Irish who had genuine vocations that drove them into educating the vulnerable and the weak. Brother Arnold had another offsider or like minded thug we are now pursuing for another reason. Alban Senan we are told is of Burmese descent. We have had the bile of his sychophants spliied on us. which we do not bother publishing because none of it is supported by evidence.
      Zorro is pathetic and a man without any cause, creed or character. He fills his time ranting and raving like that other lunatic on the run who believes himself to be a reincarnation of Joan of Arc or Robin Hood, Raja Petra Kamaruddin. Full of pious platitudes. he has not found in him the capaccity to at last ask for forgiveness of those he abused. He does not believe in the benefit of the doubt and neither will we.
      Forgiveness can only come with true repentance. His deeds were not isolated ones. They were part of his daily diet.
    • Ghani February 5, 2012 at 6:45 pm #
      Wow! I did not know that others suffered from bullies of Arnold aka Bernard Khoo, Mathew Neoh, Alban and also Lucian. The last took the same class twice.
      I was in La Salle Klang 1958 – 1968.
      I am still emotionally scarred! Does anybody recall Brother Martin, the irish tyrant who had a Chinese nickname? Again he destroyed 2 years of our precious life in Standard 5 and 6
      • grkumar February 5, 2012 at 9:00 pm #
        “Arnold” aka Bernard Khoo aka Zorro continues to wallow in his misery
        and his pathetic sense of self righteousness and morality. These tyrants
        brought the whole idea of the Christian missions into disrepute by polluting
        the well of human kindness that they were meant to share with others and mould them
        into righteous men and women of good standing in our communities everywhere.
      • grkumar October 12, 2012 at 11:08 am #
        apparently none of these named individuals were bullies and the story is made up by us and unfair to them. There’s more to come form those of us who “suffer from the delusions they actually existed”. Our lawyer was consulted by a “journalist” in KL threatening to “out him” instead of us. lets see.
    • grkumar October 12, 2012 at 11:10 am #
      Yes he has the support of an activist “Journalist” blackmailing our lawyer in Australia (also a former Malaysian) threatening to out him for this articlke and for being a “Government agent and turncoat”.
  17. NIk "Netanyahu" Aziz February 7, 2012 at 4:16 am #
    Dear Gopal,
    It is high time you outed that buffoon Haris Ibrahim and teh snake Malik Imtiaz Server.
    One is a buffoon (a villainous one) of quixotic dimensions and the other the very sone of the serpent.
    keep taking out the trash!
    Nik Netanyahu
  18. tim November 20, 2012 at 4:58 pm #
    ….a by-product of the Paulinist Catholic Church which has nothing whatsoever to do with Yeshua (Jesus)
    • grkumar November 21, 2012 at 6:36 am #
      They may be Paulist in their doctrine but pure evil in their practice.

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